Why hire a caterer for your next party?

Why would anyone hire a Caterer for a party at home for a few friends and family?

Lets look at the choices;

If you ‘do it yourself’

  • You will need to go to the supermarket to buy all the food and then bring it home and prepare it. Is your fridge big enough, or will you need to hire one in? Is your oven big enough to cope with everything you need to cook?
  • What about seating, will you borrow tables & chairs, plates & glasses from friends, and will you need a van to collect it all and then return them?
  • And, when you have finished doing all of this, are you really in the frame of mind for a party?

BUT, If you choose a Caterer, he or she will;

  • Buy and prepare all the food.
  • Arrange for any hire equipment, i.e. tables,chairs,plates & glasses.
  • Serve & clear after the event.

All you have to do is get ready, relax and mingle with your guests and have a jolly good time.

Yes, it seems like it costs more, but when you weigh up the waste (because you buy too much food) and your time spent buying and cooking, its not actually that much more and if you also cost in the fact that you will be an unpaid waitress for the whole time and you won’t get to enjoy all that effort you put in, I really consider that it is worth the extra few pounds.

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